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Rain:426: Who is Rain Flaherty?

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Vincent assures Rain that he believes she is a girl and will not try to gatekeep her. He explains that he wants to get to know Rain and have her tell him the truth, not what she thinks he wants to hear.

Author Notes

I wasn’t quite sure where to put this. Chapter 18 is actually not going to focus much on Rain herself. But as Vincent said, I just wanted “to get that out on the table right off.” After a long chapter of waiting around for the appointment to start, I figure I owe you guys this much. ^_^

Fun fact: these pages are nigh verbatim of how the first five minutes of my first appointment went. It’s become a bit of an example in my mind of how I think these things SHOULD go. 

Not so fun fact: I should remind you guys that starting now, we’re on hiatus. We’ll pick up again with the start of chapter 18 on November 25th. In the meantime… maybe other stuff. Just not pages. Later, boys and girls~! 


It's a plasure to finally meet you, Rain. Jessica must like you very much to postpone her appointment for yours.
So let's get right down to business. What are you here for? What can I do for you?
W-well... I... I'm...
I'm transgender. I was born... I was born a boy but I want to transition so I can be the girl I am inside.
Uh... That... wasn't the kind of answer I expected.
You tell me you're transgender, and I have no reason to doubt that. You tell me you're a girl on the inside, so I see a girl on the outside in front of me.
Even if you weren't wearing a dress, or you had a full beard or whatever, you say you're a girl, so you're a girl. Your parts don't define you. You define you. And because it's all in you, I have to believe you know that what you're telling me is true.
I'm going to tell you straight out: if it's what you want, I will a letter so that you can begin hormone treatment. But I would like to get to know you more first.
I just like to get that out on the table right off. I believe you. So I want you to be honest with me. No need to tell me what you think I want to hear, because we end up getting nowhere with that. I will ask questions, and I just want you to answer how you feel.
How does that sound?
That... oh my god, that sounds great!
So tell me about yourself. Who is Rain Flaherty?

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