Rain:527: Willing to Share?

(Redirected from 527:Willing to Share?)


Emily calls Rain, and Rain comes out to Emily. Emily reveals that she suspected rain was trans.

Author Notes

And there we go.  She's finally come out to Emily but... what exactly does that response mean?  Does that mean she's okay with it?  Does that mean everything's going to be just fine?  And how long has she been thinking that?  What could have outed her?


I'm surprised to hear from you, Emily.
Yeah. Well, you know. I was just a little bored and thinking you were probably out of your session by now. I hope I'm not bothering you.
Not at all!
Actually, I'm a little surprised you're still going to therapy. Somehow, I figured after you talked to your brother the other day, you wouldn't need it anymore.
I know. It's none of my business. I shouldn't have even brought it up. Sorry.
No! That's not it at all!
I actually want to talk about it, but I can't. Or rather, I'm afraid to say.
If you aren't willing to share, so be it.
I know I was egging you on to tell me your secret a while back, but I admit I was out of line. If you don't want to talk about it, fine. If you do, I just want you to know I'm here for you. Just as you were for me.
We are sisters, right?
Listen, Emily... I have to tell you the truth...
No... I want to tell you...
I... I'm...
...... ...... ......
I'm transgender!

Rain is waiting for a response
Rain is looking at her phone
Rain puts her phone back to her ear

U-um... Emily?
Are you still there? Please say something... Please tell me I didn't scare you away.
Sorry. I just needed a second to think.
I'm not quite sure how to say this without offending you, but I should be honest too.
...... ...... ......
I kinda had a feeling...

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