Rain:553: Colin

(Redirected from 553:Colin)


Fara says Rain is tougher than she gives herself credit for, echoing Vincent. Colin welcomes Rain and Fara into his home, and Fara greets him coldly, making Colin uncomfortable.

Author Notes

This is a perplexing phenomenon I've encountered a lot over the years. Some part of me wonders if it's just me though, so let me explain. Let's say you're trans and you have a supportive, knowing cis friend, and they refer to you by your preferred pronouns or name... and apologize and/or take it back immediately afterwards (not maliciously; more like regretfully). Like, they want to do their best to show their support, but they have such a hard time wrapping their head around the concept or something, that they feel like they're doing something wrong. I've never totally understood this mentality, but I've had a fair few friends do this with me (usually in private settings). It's not really offensive or anything (not to me, anyway) because I know they mean well and they are trying, but it can be really frustrating having to repeat, "It's really okay to call me that, you know." XD

So, I depicted that scenario with the clueless Colin basically doing just this. Fara's been over it with him; possibly more than once. And even seeing what he's seeing now, he finds himself second-guessing his pronoun usage. Interpret what he's thinking as you will. 

To my cis friends and allies, I just want to give a little friendly advice: when we tell you our preferred name and pronouns, not only is it okay for you to use them when referring to us, but it's encouraged. Don't be shy; we won't find it weird that you're treating us the way we asked you to. In fact, we'd appreciate it. ^_^

Look at me, coming back with a lecture. ^^;


February 16th 2013 - Saturday 1:52PM:

Are you sure about this?
No. But I'm still gonna do it.
Vincent's right. You are a tougher kid than you give yourself credit for.


Speaking of Vincent-
Hi, Colin.
Come on in, ladies. Have a seat.
Oh, was it okay for me to say that?
You mean, "ladies?" Yes. As we've discussed, this is Rain, my niece. And female pronouns would be ideal.
Oh, I... I see. Right. Can I get either of you something to drink?
Actually, I think it'd be for the best if we just get down to business.

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