The Flahertysiblings introduce themselves to Emily, and Emily says she is pregnant. Kellen says a lot of really inappropriate things and Emily snarks back.
Alternate page title: "How to Piss Off All of Your Guests in Three Minutes or Less" by Kellen Flaherty. Probably can't fit that though. XD
Originally these were going to be two separate updates. I really wanted them to be, but on my last read before posting, I didn't feel like the first page made a lot of sense without the second one. So, there you go. Two two-pagers in a row.
How do we think this is going so far? Better or worse than expected? Has your opinion of either sibling or the overall situation changed since the last update?
You two will be staying in the room at the end of the hall. It's where Aiken's been sleeping, but he'll be on the couch while you're here. I just hope the room doesn't smell too much.