MIS:16: The Grand Arcane Library


Chiaki is informed of what happened to Rose Kingdom ten years ago

Author Notes

Ah, some world building.

"So the library used to be a castle, huh? Home to the royal family a long time ago? Oh yes, that's very interesting."

"And what's that? A Great Demon Lord, you say? As recently as ten years ago so the wounds are still fresh? Well, look at the time, it seems I need to get the hell out of here. Good day, madam."



Chiaki is thinking to herself:

So… Nara-san said she and Redge-san were librarians. And for whatever reason, I guess I was just imagining a humble small-ish kind of place. But...
This place is huge! It’s like a castle!
It is a castle. The Rose royal family used to reside here some four hundred years ago. They relocated to a new castle built in the north for their protection during a past war.
And when the war was over, this one was repurposed and over time developed into what is now the Grand Arcane Library you see here - the largest collection of knowledge and history in the world.
So they just stayed at the new castle? Today’s king and queen still live up there now?
Er… well, no. Not anymore.
Not anymore?
The royal family’s been… dissolved.
Oh. What are they doing now?
I think you misunderstand...
They’ve been dissolved. As in, melted away into nothing. Along with much of the northern part of the country. The Great Demon Lord, Eligos, did a number on Rose Kingdom before his eventual defeat.
That was just ten years ago, though, and still fresh in a lot of people’s minds, so please be mindful about bringing that kind of thing up.

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