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MIS:23: Departments


Chiaki learns that Belial and Nagisa work in the Storage department, Micah and Nara work in Chronicling, and Eiji and Theo work as Runners. We also learn that Eiji can fly, but Nagisa apparently cannot. Nagisa leaves, apparently troubled by some aspect of their conversation.

Author Notes

We'll go over all the Grand Arcane Library's individual departments in greater detail later, but I hope this cursory run-through is a helpful bit of worldbuilding all the same for now.

If you didn't catch the pattern, the jacket/trim colors on the uniforms relate to what department each kid works in. Nagisa and Belial work in Storage, and wear red. Micah and Nara work in Chronicling, and wear blue. Theo and Eiji are Runners, and wear orange. Verity's a janitor - Maintenance department - and wears purple. The odd one out we haven't talked about yet is Keegan wearing green, which represents someone still in training and hasn't decided on a department yet.

Anyway, poor Chiaki, bumbling into another minefield.

And poor Nagisa, with whatever happened just now.


Well, Nagisa and I both work in the Storage department. Everything that’s not on a shelf accessible to the public, is down there.
Why is it hidden away, though?
It’s a lot of banned or even dangerous documents. I mostly take care of inventory, and Belial helps as one of the vault guards. But honestly, we’re not allowed to look at a lot of what’s down there either.
That sounds so scary!
There’s also the Chronicling department, which Nara is part of, with Micah training under her outside class.
Besides teaching classes, Nara might be sent out to other parts of the world to write about big events.
Big events?
Like, if a war breaks out, or a country seats a new king or queen on the throne. The GA will send its own to write an ideally impartial record of the events for posterity.
It’s probably the most difficult job, but if you like to travel, it might be worth it.
And then Theo and Eiji are Runners who help the visiting patrons find the books they need.
Theo is pretty smart, and has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of where everything is. Unfortunately, he’s actually pretty slow to get them.
It’s the little legs. He is very tiny.
Eiji can fly, though, allowing him to reach any shelf with ease.
So he and Theo make a really good team.
Oh wow! It’s so cool that you can fly! That sounds so fun and handy! I’m a little jealous.
Oh, well… You won’t be seeing me fly much. Or at all.
I, uh... Er… actually, do you mind excusing me for a minute. I’ll catch up.
O-oh, uh... O...kay...
I… I’m really sorry. Did I say something wrong? I didn't mean any harm.
It’s okay. I don’t know all the details myself, but I know it’s a touchy subject for her.
Yeah. Don’t beat yourself up. You couldn’t have known.

Chiaki is thinking to herself:

Sorry, but I’m absolutely going to beat myself up about this.

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