MIS:Tangent Episode 3 - Finished Fabrication 7


Chiaki tells Nagisa the plot of Finished Fabrication 7, and Nagisa comments on the ironic name of the franchise.

Author Notes

Jocelyn Happy Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth release day (yesterday)! XD

Just a dumb little thing I drew because I was so excited for this game I wanted to do fanart. But as I've said in the past, I can never seem to just do plain old fanart anymore (and I don't know why I'm like this). Fortunately, Chiaki and friends are always so well suited to cosplay. Chiaki herself is perfect as Yuffie, and Nagisa looks so good in Aerith's dress (ribbon and all), I might have to give her something similar at some point. I did consider the rest of the MIS cast in other FF7 costumes, but I didn't want to complicate things too much (I still have more important things to work on... and now an exciting new game to play).

Also, I know I used Remake/Rebirth designs rather than the original 1997 ones. It's perhaps anachronistic for what Chiaki would know, but also this isn't canon so that doesn't technically matter. Besides, it's the new release that made me want to draw them anyway! XD

Also also, the game just came out as of this post. Please be respectful of others and don't spoil things, even if you think it's common knowledge. Thank you.

Also also also, quick reminder that the next few weeks of post days will see new character bios for more recent characters. ^_^


"My Impossible Soulmate: Non-Canon Tangent Episode"

Hey, Chiaki-chan. Will you tell me another of the stories from your world?
I'd be happy to!
Today, let me tell you the story of Finished Fabrication 7.
If it's finished, why is there seven of them?
There's actually nine.*

*As far as Chiaki knows, circa September 2000.

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