
After losing at Fighter Frogs again, Rudy gets ready to go home. Gavin calls Rudy a "ladies' man" for talking to Colette, which Rudy again denies. After Rudy leaves, Gavin realizes that Colette is actually not a woman.

Author Notes

Many of you were sure Gavin would catch on to what Rudy was saying sooner or later. In fact, many of you were wondering how he didn't figure it out sooner. To be fair, he doesn't know Colette or anything about him other than being this random person Rudy's been seen around recently. He has no reason to suspect anything. All Gavin really has is knowing Rudy pretty well. And now that Rudy's gone home for the day, Gavin actually has that moment to stop and think and realize... and feel bad about his prodding behavior all night in hindsight. Whoops. ^^;

But while a number of you were concerned about exactly this scenario, let's be realistic for a minute here. What's Gavin really going to do with this information? Sure, he was prying with Rudy, but he knows Rudy. That's just how they are together. He wouldn't approach Colette and ask weird questions though, right?

As a side note, with Rudy going home for the evening, I do want to point out we're getting near to the end of the chapter. Still a couple weeks left, but things will be mostly wrapping up soon (or building up for the next chapter). I've had a few people express frustration with the way this chapter has been paced, and I don't disagree. The scene shifts haven't been any more frequent than usual, but they have been more disjointed on account of having done two posts a week all chapter long (when I write the script, I tend to have three posts a week in mind, so cutting a day of posts messes things up). I wanted to get back to three a week after Volume 5 came out, but then the holidays slowed things down and I've had a few other life distractions come up.

I'm explaining all this because once this chapter wraps up, I'm gonna take a small hiatus to get my bearings back (maybe a week or two). And when the next chapter starts - that's the long awaited prom chapter, by the way - I'll return to three pages a week, and bring us back to some much improved pacing, and hopefully a better reading experience overall. Until then, two posts a week for the rest of the chapter (which is still a couple more weeks). I just wanted to give the heads up way ahead of time. ^_^


GAME OVER: A winner is still not you.

Well, I think I'm about done with this. How do you and Rain have the patience to keep doing this?
Truth be told, sometimes I have no idea either.
It's getting late anyway. I should head out before my mom starts panicking.
Yeah. No problem.
Say hi to Colette for me, ladies man.
I told you, I-
You know what: it's fine. Believe what you want for now, Gavin.
What was all that coyness anyway? Who was he kidding with that "oh, I haven't talked to any girls" bit?
Like, was he trying to say someone named "Colette" is a guy?

Gavin has a realization

Oh, hell. That was exactly it, wasn't it?
Well, I’m an ass...

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