Rain:1062: Chaperones
Ellen Parker and Gerald Broom welcome Fara to prom, and chat about past proms.
Author Notes
- This section contains copyrighted content by Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick.
So, I'm focusing on Fara today, because she too just got here. I feel that it's a good time to remind readers that there ARE teachers present, and it's not as though the students are running around completely unsupervised. Of course, the other teachers are the same two I always show Fara talking to, Mrs. Ellen Parker and Mr. Gerald Broom. I swear there are other teachers in this school!
I made a last minute tweak this morning where I changed Mr. Broom's dialogue in panel four from "a few years back" to "five years back". I bring this up because I want to stress that the fight from that previous prom he mentions, doesn't feature any significant characters. I could see the theories in my head that "Emily was at the last prom, so maybe she was tied for prom queen and they had a fight, and, and, and-"
No. That's not what I'm going for here. The two would-be queens from back then are nobody we know or ever will know. ^^;
As a side note: the teachers aren't decked out quite like the students are, but I guess I could talk about them. Fara's outfit, for instance, is technically new, but it's still in her professional style. Likewise, Mr. Broom's suit is basically a palette swap from the kind of thing I always show him wear at school. I think the highlight here is actually Mrs. Parker, who's never been seen without a tracksuit before. It's a good look on her; it's almost criminal we never see her dressed up. XD
- This section contains copyrighted content by Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick.
Fara is thinking to herself: