Rain:1132: Weird
Ky and Drew dance together, and Ky notes Ruby has stepped away from the dance floor. Colette and Aidyn dance, but Aidyn is uncomfortable by Colette wearing Gavin's blazer.
Author Notes
- This section contains copyrighted content by Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick.
After some cute couply pages with Gavin and Ana, and then Maria and Chanel, we turn to Ky and Drew who... aren't really a couple at the moment. I kinda agonized over how to establish this while still letting them dance together. Friends are allowed to dance with each other and not have it mean anything romantic, after all. I don't know how well I pulled it off, but I guess I'll see when the comments come in. I'm not going to say it's hopelessly impossible for them to become romantic, but they have a lot to work through, and it's gonna take more than "sorry" and a dance to fix things.
And hey, maybe they are just better as friends.
Either way, I like this moment a lot. Contrary to Drew's fears through half the story that Ky would throw him under the bus and out him, Drew's doing this of his own volition, and Ky is giving him an out if need be. It's just super positive, and just a feel-good moment to me.
Besides Ky and Drew, this page also features Colette and Aidyn having a more brief and less cute exchange. Mostly, this is just leading into the next few pages, so I suppose I'll leave it at that for now. We'll see where this goes very soon.
- This section contains copyrighted content by Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick.