Rain:1198: No Words
Author Notes
- This section contains copyrighted content by Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick.
Welcome back, Rain Beaus.
Let me start right away by apologizing about coming back on such a heavy note. I said at the end of the last story page that there was initially one more page at the end of the previous chapter. But I held it back because I didn't want it to be the note the comic left off on for an unknown length of time. I thought it might be better to leave off on a more positive note, given everything going on in the world.
I technically stand by this decision, but I don't necessarily like the flow of coming back on this page either. In truth, I didn't want that hiatus to happen. And in a non-Covid timeline, I wouldn't have had one there. It would've gone through at least to the end of this chapter we're starting now.
I think this'll be moot for future readers who can just reach this point and keep going; for them, this will flow a lot better. But as is, leaving off on this page felt wrong, but picking up on it after a long break, unfortunately, also doesn't feel quite right. But this was still the next part of the story that I couldn't really move anywhere else, so here we are.
So I do apologize if it feels clunky, or like a bit much first day back. I know the state of the world isn't my fault, but maybe I could've been a little more prepared given how many unplanned hiatuses I've had to go on over the years.
Anyway, as for the page itself - and in case you don't feel like reading my recap from the other day - the shorter version is that Emily's mom has a long history of emotionally abusing, neglecting, and abandoning her child. On prom night, she called Emily out of the blue and told her to come home after finally returning from a business trip for the first time in months.
Days later, Emily decided she wanted closure, and to give a piece of her mind to the mother who was never there for her. Now, after calling Emily back home, her mother has gone on yet another business trip. Her mom never contacted her; she simply left behind a short, cold letter (insulting her, asking favors of her, and kicking her out all in just one paragraph). This brings us to now.
After Emily had finally gained that resolve to speak her mind, her mom disappeared yet again before she could say any of it. Emily had mentally prepared herself for an argument, but she couldn't predict being left unable to say anything.
While I promise this won't be an entirely angsty and depressing chapter, it will still be a bit of an emotional roller coaster. I personally think this is probably one of the heavier pages, but of course, your mileage may vary. That said, if you're not up for this - because it's too familiar, or you're just having a hard time with the world situation - I absolutely understand if you need to sit this one out.
As I mentioned the other day, this chapter will run until about November 6th. If you need to skip it entirely for your mental health, or want to just catch up when you're feeling you're in a better headspace, it's entirely fine. Please do what you need to do for you. The comic's not going anywhere, and Chapter 41 will be much more lighthearted.
If you're sticking around, please enjoy the read.
- This section contains copyrighted content by Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick.
May 27th, 2013, Monday evening:
Rain and Emily hold hands, before entering Emily's house
Emily spots an envelope
Rain hugs Emily
The letter reads:
Emily, I'm taking a trip to Europe for business. I'll be gone for one month. It looks like you're okay to let things get dusty, but try to clean up for me. I'm looking to sell the house when I return this Summer.
Love, Mom