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Rain:1251: Closure?


Brother Arthur catches Maria up on what happened to Todd and Father Quenton before pulling Rain aside.

Author Notes

Brother Arthur walks up and speaks a bit to the crew, mostly Maria. No longer student and teacher, things are very calm between them. Arthur wasn't the one who got Maria expelled after all, and fortunately she recognizes that. ^_^

Brother Arthur also briefly mentions Todd Bittner (the bully who harassed and abused dozens of students, including Rudy and Chanel, and led to Maria getting expelled), and Father Quenton (the principal who looked away from it all, and the one who did the expelling). Chances are extremely slim we'll see either of these characters in canon again, but this gave me one last chance to touch on what became of them. It mostly just follows up on or confirms what we already knew, but I think it's worth addressing.

I'm aware it's not a lot of information, though, and I'm sure a lot of folks still have questions. But that's kinda the point. I've gone over this before, but unlike a lot of TV and movies and stuff, life doesn't always give closure, and I like the idea of leaving some of these bits up in the air. These characters are no longer interacting with anyone in the active cast, so no one would know what's happening with them. The kids' guesses - and yours - is all anyone really has.

Todd's seeing some kind of therapy/rehabilitation, and hopefully it works out. Some bullies do get their act together as they grow up, and some don't. We can only hope he gets better, though. He's young enough that perhaps he's not too far gone, at least. Father Quenton however acts as more a bit of commentary with problematic people in power being swept under the rug, rather than facing any kind of repercussions for their actions. He's an older person not being given any reason to change, so who knows when or if he'll change. It's not hopeless, but being very realistic, it might not be the most likely scenario. As this may be one of the last times we need to talk about them, I'd love to hear what y'all may think will become of them.

Anyway, we then close the page with Brother Arthur asking to pull Rain aside for a moment. I wonder what he wants to say...

Wednesday's page will conclude the chapter. This will be followed by a [hopefully, rather short] hiatus. I won't name any dates just yet, but I'm hoping I can start posting Chapter 42 some time in February. ^_^


Hello, everyone!
Hello, Maria I'm glad to see you're well.
Oh! Hi, Brother Arthur.
Don't worry. I'm not here to send you home. You're an adult now, free to make your own decisions. Rudy tells me you’re safe, and that was my biggest concern.
I know. And thank you.
Chanel told me what you did after I was kicked out. How you got rid of Todd Bittner and Father Quenton.
It was as much for Todd's sake - and many of the other students - as it was yours. He's a troubled young man, and I want to see him get the help he needs. Unfortunately, he wasn't going to find that here.
Alas, I'm not sure what can be done for Father Quenton. The diocese simply relocated him to another district, with barely a slap on the wrist.
I'll probably never see him again, so I can only pray that he comes to recognize the gravity of his actions before anyone else gets hurt.
Oh, but please don't trouble yourself with any of that. Today should be a joyful one, so try to have fun.
Anyway, I came over because I would like borrow Rain for a moment, if that’s all right.
Me? Um... sure.

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