Rain:1284: Furball
Author Notes
- This section contains copyrighted content by Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick.
Because I wanted get as many important characters as I could into this chapter, let's have some of the kids talk about Puddle. XD
And as for Ana (and anyone in Ana's position), don't beat yourself up if the name scheme didn't click before. It's been one of those funny things, where every single page in which Puddle's name is mentioned ends up being the first time somebody realizes. And I thought that it was delightfully ironic for Ana to be the last to pick up on it, at least in the meta sense. Because very similarly, every single page Ana is on is the first time somebody realizes she has two different colored eyes (also known as heterochromia). O_O
So, how long did it take you to pick up on Puddle's name or Ana's eyes? Be honest. It's okay; there's not judging here. ^_^
(Oh, and yes. I've already kinda said this, but just to confirm: everyone who was going to show up at this party, has arrived. No sudden late arrivals. We're just working with who's here.)
- This section contains copyrighted content by Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick.

Ana has a realization