Rain:231: Coolness Points
Maria talks with Chanel more, after they briefly met at the halloween party four chapters ago
Author Notes
- This section contains copyrighted content by Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick.
Maria’s pretty smooth when she introduces herself. If only she could be so smooth when making up.
So, kind of like I was asking about Emily a few pages back, what do we think is Chanel’s deal? She very clearly seems to like Maria (in one way or another). She remembered Maria’s name from only hearing it once at a party a few weeks prior. She doesn’t “scoff and walk away” as one boy on the last page described. Heck, she seems a to be sucking up a little. Any thoughts?
- This section contains copyrighted content by Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick.
You were the only one who knew what my costume was. That instantly gives you "Coolness points" in my book.
Well, it WAS a pretty awesome costume. I don't know many anime fans, but the ones I do know don't have good taste like you do.