Rain:269: Lost
Author Notes
- This section contains copyrighted content by Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick.
Kind of a wordy one. Gavin’s classmate that he’s referring to is Drew, by the way. It’s been brought up a bunch of times here and there for the past hundred pages or so.
On an odd side note, Kylie’s become a much more complex character than I meant for. I’ll roll with it though. ^_^
- This section contains copyrighted content by Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick.
But with Rain and Rudy around being so freaking convincing, can you blame me for thinking that someone I knew as a guy suddenly showing up in a dress could mean ANYTHING else?
You know, one of our classmates is actually convinced that he's gay because he saw you at the Halloween party.
Yeah. He won't shut up about it either. We kinda hoped it'd be a phase, 'cause, you know, he does that. But he's not letting go of this one.
Okay, you don't have to answer this, but I'm just hoping to clarify something: You know, if we didn't confront Rain, She'd probably NEVER have told us. Maria's friend, Chanel, who has been hanging out with us regularly for almost two months doesn't know. And today's whole ordeal is solely because Rain doesn't even want to tell her brother.
I've got to tell you, Ky, I was just starting get the hang of this whole trans thing until this. Now I'm as lost as ever.
You're telling me. I've been like this for a long time, but I never put much thought into it. I don't think I'm as passionate as Rain is, or... whatever Rudy's thing is. I don't know why I do it; I just do it.