
Aiken finishes purchasing a Yuu Us for Christmas, and runs into Chase.

Author Notes

And how many of you remember why you should be freaking out RIGHT NOW…?

(If you don’t, Chapter 6 should offer a good refresher.)


Thanks a lot, man! You were a big help!
Oh man! I guess it's for the better that we split up. Baby bro is gonna be so psyched when he sees I got him a Yuu Us for Christmas.
Speaking of which, how am I gonna find the little twerp? He doesn't have a phone.
Maybe that's what I should have gotten him.
Oh well, I'll just run this back to the car in the meantime so he doesn't see it. Maybe I'll run into Aunt Fara.
Yo, Aiken. What are you doing here?
No way. Chase? There's a face I never thought I'd see again. What a small world!

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