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Rain:519: Please Don't Tell


Ky explains they thought Gavin and Rudy already knew about Emily's pregnancy, and Gavin and Rudy agree not to tell anyone.

Author Notes

Poor Ky.  However carefree she likes to come off, you can tell she deeply regrets this innocent mistake.

Gavin was probably never a threat to spread this kind of information, but what about Rudy?  What about impulsive, gossip-loving, "the new girl is a boy" Rudy?  He wouldn't share that around, right?



Uh... I... I probably wasn't... I... I'm sorry! I thought you knew.
Well, I guess it's not really our business -
Was it her ex? You know, that old guy at the Halloween party?
And more importantly, how did you find out?
I... I was hanging out with her and Rain like a week ago. She just told me with no concern, so I didn't think it was a secret. I don't know who the dad is, but...
Please don't tell her I said anything.
Well, you have my word.
...... ...... ......
Okay, okay. I'll behave.

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