Rain:51: The Best Week Ever
We see Gavin drudge through the week until Friday, after school, where he finally gets to relax... for about a split second before Simone asks him to take care of a spider.
Author Notes
- This section contains copyrighted content by Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick.
I get such amusement out of watching Gavin become progressively more and more exhausted as the week goes on. And albeit unintentional, I’m further amused by how he kinda looks like Stephen Stills from the “Scott Pilgrim” graphic novels by the time Friday rolls around.
On the other hand, while this is basically a gag page, if I’ve done my job right, you might be feeling bad for Gavin after you’ve finished your hearty laugh.
By the way, I’m just throwing this out because I’m not sure if this has been entirely clear: the whole story thus far has only covered a five days at this point. Chapter 1 was Monday and chapter 2 was Tuesday. The rest of the school week was covered in this page. Hence, we’re up to Friday evening now. ^_^
- This section contains copyrighted content by Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick.
Friday - After school
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