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Rain:525: Drastic


Vincent says Rain should probably see a different therapist with fewer personal family connections. At Fara's questioning, Vincent apologizes for leaving Fara.

Author Notes

That escalated quickly.  But I'm sure you knew that shoe was gonna drop eventually.  

Where do they go from here though?  Is this something either party can move beyond?  Is there hope for a possible Vincent x Fara?  Would either party still be interested in the other after all this time?  I'm extremely interested in hearing your thoughts.


So, she's got her letter. Does she need to keep coming here?
I recommend it. But not with me, I've got too many connections with her and her family. It would be very unprofessional of me to keep treating her after meeting her aunt who HAPPENS to be my ex-girlfriend.
But don't worry. Everyone working in this building is well learned in trans matters. I'll gladly refer her to one of my colleagues.
..... ..... .....
What's wrong?
Why did you leave me?
.....Truthfully, I wish I hadn't. I wish just afraid of hurting you.
And you didn't think disappearing overnight would hurt me!? You used to get really depressed. I thought you'd done something drastic for the longest time.
I know. Thinking wasn't my strong suit back then.
I don't expect you to understand to accept my apologies, but I hope you'll believe that I regretted my decision back then.
Transition was the best thing I'd ever done for myself, but leaving was by and far the worst. It took what should have been the happiest moments of my life, and made it bittersweet, because I couldn't share it with anyone.
And I've never completely forgiven myself.

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