Rain:617: Grand
Emily asks Rain if she has had nightmares more often
Author Notes
- This section contains copyrighted content by Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick.
Welcome back, Rain Beaus. It's been a little over a month, but I'm happy to say I'm back in business. The good thing is that I shouldn't need another lengthy hiatus like that anytime soon. So, let's just get back into it! ^_^
In case you've forgotten, the nightmare they're discussing is the ultra heavy finale of the Chapter 23. This page was originally planned to be mostly serious, but when I cut off for hiatus before this page, I tweaked the script to include the last panel. Rain's excitement for better dreams (Kaminari dreams!) lightens the mood and brings us back with something that doesn't completely depress us. It's always fun to dream we're our favorite characters, isn't it? ^_^
- This section contains copyrighted content by Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick.