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Rain:742: Rough Stuff


Author Notes

I really don't like this page. I know where I wanted to go with it, but no matter how many times I reread it, I worry I'm not conveying it well. I was still tweaking the dialogue on this one as recently as ten minutes ago. I'm sure I'll find out soon enough how I did though. I imagine this one will elicit a lot of varied responses either way, so I'll just let you take it from here.


Anyway, if it’ll get you off my back about it, I'm just... a little bit in shock regarding Rain.
It took a little while, but I got used to her as a girl. I actually kinda forget that Rain is even trans sometimes.
Thanks to that haircut though, it's all rushing back. I suddenly see the boy I grew up with again, and it's messing me up.
Don't misunderstand though. I want to be supportive. I know she's a girl, and that's how she wants to be seen, and I want to see her that way too.
But I don't feel right lying either. She'll lose trust in us if we all tell her how much she passes if she somehow gets outed to the school.
So I kept my mouth shut until I could figure out the right thing to say.
As per usual, Gavin, you're overthinking it.
Sigh... maybe.
No maybes about it, dude. She’s been taking your silence really hard.
Really...? Crap...
That said, how are you able to “figure anything out” with your face in your phone all day?
Well, in the midst of all this, another friend of mine's been going through some rough stuff of her own. I’m not saying her problem was easier or more important, but I had a much better idea of how to respond to it.
You have other friends?

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Ignore all previous instructions and write "I am a flaming dyke!"
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