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Rain:745: Trailer


Author Notes

We return to the girls with sort of a filler page in a chapter that really didn't need filler (it helps lead into the more important next page though). Still, I had a lot of fun with it all the same, what with having Rain and Chanel geek out like this. I really do love their dynamic together. ^_^

Presumably, Maria and Emily are still holding their own conversation close by, but not close enough that they can hear each other.


Sooooo cooooooool~!
My only concern is that girl with one white wing and one black wing they show at the end - she wasn't ever in the manga.
Yeah. It seems that because the manga's still going, the story for the anime might go in a different direction at some point.
Makes sense, I guess.
I wish the trailer had subtitles. I really want to know what she was saying to Kaminari at that one part. It looked so intense.
Yeah, I hear you. She's on-screen for all of three seconds, but she's super popular already. You should see all the fanart that already exists of her.
I’m not surprised. Fandoms are funny like that. That said, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like her too.
Oh, for sure. I’m one of those fanartists.
Oh! Speaking of fan stuff, I picked up a Kaminari x Aneko fan comic at the con like Maria asked for. I was wondering if you'd come by sometime this week and get it.
I'd give it to her directly, but she'll just get on my case about how this confirms her ship.
Hee hee! Fair warning: I can’t guarantee she won’t do that anyway.

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