Rain:900: Shaking
Rain is shaken after her encounter with Debbie in the previous scene, noting that Debbie clocked her. As she ponders her situation, Todd approaches her.
Author Notes
- This section contains copyrighted content by Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick.
Woo! Nine-hundred pages! :D
Kind of a last-minute addition, this one. The last panel here was originally planned to be the first panel and just lead into the next scene right away, but it felt choppy to me. Plus, I like taking a moment for Rain's little bit of introspection here. I feel like it actually adds a fair bit, from her acknowledging the pride of defending herself from someone who's been giving her a hard time for a while now, to addressing the nagging concerns that were planted in her head. Interpret how you will.
But who's calling to Rain? Or is that perhaps obvious?
- This section contains copyrighted content by Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick.
Rain thinks to herself:
Are my hair and voice really still that bad? Is anyone else just quietly clocking me and not saying anything?
Rain thinks to herself: