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Rain:942: Abuse


Emily finishes talking about her mother, and Rain begins talking about her father.

Author Notes

Every time I warned of dark, heavy content coming up in this arc, this was the page I was usually thinking about. I can't speak for everyone, but I know it shakes me up. I know, this arc has been incredibly heavy for the usual tone of Rain, but I think it's also very important for a lot of reasons.

There is one more page left in this chapter, but next week is mostly going to help us dial back into the more typical level of drama for this comic. By which I mean it's not totally dropped on you in a big mess, and is occasionally broken up by humor. So thank you again for sticking with me through this.

(And no, there won't be a hiatus between chapters. Maybe a Rain Delay to lift our spirits back up a bit, but no four month wait.)


Anyway, my mom's pretty much written me off for leaving him, so I'm back to being nothing more than a disappointment.
If I told her I was dating a girl now, she's undoubtedly stop paying my tuition for school and kick me out altogether.
So, she'll never know until I officially move out... if that.
I'm sorry. All you asked was how I met Chase, but I over-explained again and started venting about my mom.
It's... I... I don't mind. If you feel better talking it out, I'll listen.
Are you okay, Rain? Are you... mad at me?
At you? No. It's your mom...
She's just like him.
My... dad was abusive.
Sometimes physically, but mostly emotionally. I was afraid of him.
And although I was really young and didn't understand a lot, I think my mom was too.
I don't honestly know what he did to her, but I do remember seeing her crying. Often. And I remember her saying stuff like "he's not really a bad person" or "I can help him understand".
I didn't know what he needed help understanding, but in hindsight, I wonder if it could've been related to me or Aunt Fara.
Either way, she thought she could make him a loving father and husband again - not that I ever knew him to be like that.
But my mom kept crying.
And all I could do was helplessly cry with her.
But... not only did he never get better, he left at a crucial time.
The emotional abuse your mother puts you through reminds me of my dad. From the way she made you feel like you had to do so much for her and it was still never enough, to the way she just abandons you like she does.
You describe her and the things she does, and in my head I see you crying the way my mom did. And it frustrates me so much I could just scream.
I just... I don't understand why people are like this to each other.
Family, no less...

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