Rain:96: Overanalyze


Gavin tells his mom that he knew Rain as a kid and is confused by the changes she has gone through. Simone says that he may some day love the "new Rain."

Author Notes

Gavin talks about his feelings; expressing everything that’s going on without flat out saying it. Probably for the best though, considering his mom seems to remember the “Old Rain” (ie, Ryan). He’s pretty good at skirting around the truth actually…


So, be honest. Do you like her or what?
If she's sleeping, then there's no need for you to be shy. So spill it.
Well, heh. It's a little more complicated than I really want to get into, but, uh... kinda?
Cop out answer!!
Okay, well yes. I DO like her, but... I also think I kinda... hate her... if that makes any sense.
My son - the overanalyzer - strikes again.
Well, this ought to be good so, please go on, Gavin honey.
Well, it's... kind of a coincidence, but I used to know her years ago, before we moved.
Personally, I think I liked... her... better back then.
She's just not the same person now that she was and that's leaving me feeling... off.
From before we moved, huh? I thought she seemed familiar. Her name's not ringing a bell though. What's her last name again?
...er, wait...
...It's Bryer. Rain Bryer.
Bryer? Nope. Still don't remember her.
Anyway, don't sweat it, honey. At your age, kids start to learn a lot about who they really are. You may even come to LOVE the "new Rain" in time.
You think so? I feel like I just can't wrap my head around this no matter how hard I try...

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  • Gavin says Rain's last name is Bryer, well in advance of Rain actually taking that last name.