Rain:172: Revelation

(Redirected from 172:Revelation)


Rudy and Maria talk about why Rudy dressed as Ruby and kissed Rain at the party.

Author Notes

In the very least, Maria got one answer from Rudy. Just probably not the one you wanted to hear as much. ^_^


Do you think Rain is mad at me?
I'm mad at you. I'm too sick to kill you right now though.
As long as Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumbass are preoccupied though, maybe you can fill me in on a few things. Start with the costume.
Honestly? I felt bad for Rain. I kinda hoped I could help her feel a little less alone for a night...
...except, as you saw, it kinda backfired, and I think I really offended her instead.
......Actually, that's really kinda sweet of you. I still think you should've told her beforehand, but your heart was at least in the right place.
So, what about the kiss? Do you like Rain, or was that just the influence of alcohol?
Ugh! Gonna barf again!
Oh, real convenient timing!

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