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Nara Kendry

Nara Kendry is a chronicler,[3] Redge's assistant,[4] and a teacher of the Page Program,[5] and was previously a page herself.[6] She has been in at least two romantic relationships, which both failed due to her dedication to her job in the Grand Arcane Library.[7]

Character Description

Nara's official character sheet for My Impossible Soulmate describes her as follows:

Nara works at the Grand Arcane Library. There, she has many jobs. First and foremost, she's Redge's assistant (and one of his closest friends). Nara also acts as a Chronicler, documenting potentially historically significant events. And when these tasks aren't occupying her time, she teaches a small classroom of Pages. If she ever has time to herself, she has a personal goal to read every book in the library... if it's even humanly possible.

  • Usually very tolerant, but gets quickly frustrated with misinformation.
  • Adaptable and knowledgeable, though she has a tendency to put too much on herself...
  • ...Up to and including a bad habit of blaming herself even when things aren't her fault.
  • Her lack of free time also unfortunately eats into her dating life.

In Save the Princess, her sheet describes her as follows:

Nara is an assistant librarian for a place known as the Grand Arcane Library, home of the largest collection of books and information in the known world. Countless writings and relics and artifacts can be found there. Nara prides herself in having read and studied a lot of what's there, but also knows she's barely scratched the surface. But driven by a passion for learning, she would love to read through it all someday.

Of course, it's not like she has time to just sit around and read all day. Part of her job with the Library is traveling to other nations to document potentially historically significant happenings for posterity. For instance, she and a few others from the Library have been invited to Princess Sabrina's 18th birthday banquet and subsequent wedding.

Of course, the catalyst for this game's entire plot does revolve around the Princess being kidnapped. So, there's that...

Curious by nature, and diligent to a fault about seeing things through, Nara feels determined to find out who's responsible for the kidnapping. But as a Librarian, it's not her job to save princesses, and the King and the knights don't give her the time of day. Yet she believes they're looking in the wrong direction. Then self-proclaimed hero, Arendt, and his party stroll into town looking for adventure, and Nara realizes she knows exactly who'll help her out.


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  • While Nara's proper introduction was in My Impossible Soulmate, her debut as one of Jocelyn's creations was as a character for Save the Princess, specifically the party's mage.[2] A minor difference between her MIS and STP appearances is that she's roughly a year younger in her comic appearance.


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